What is ConvoLan used for?

It is used to connect Natives and professional trainers with languages students.

Why should I use ConvoLan?

Practicing languages is the best way to memorize words, to be familiar with phrases and to Speak the Language Smoothly.

Can I learn a language through Practice?

Yes, You can learn a language from the scratch through practice.
However, in ConvoLan, we recommend having some basics in language to benefit the maximum efficiency of our trainers.

How does practicing a language improve my linguistic performance?
  • Practicing increases the usage ratio of common words and common expressions, firmly anchoring them in your memory for greater stability and retention.
  • Practicing a language smoothens the flow of speech in such a language.
  • Practicing makes you more familiar with voices, pronunciations, and phonetics of the language.
  • Practicing a language improves your listening skills.
  • Practicing a language makes it hard for you to forget words and expressions.  
How is practicing a language with Natives is better than practicing a language with language student?

Practicing a language with Natives teaches the student the correct way of using and pronouncing words. It also allows students to learn from original sources. 

How is practicing a language with Natives is better than learning or practicing a language with Teachers?
  • First, each way has its own pros and cons. How about mixing two ways in ConvoLan ?!!!
  • Definitely, Teachers will teach you the grammar better than Natives. However, Natives will train you the language more practically.
  • In ConvoLan, You should not be a certified teacher to join the community, we do that to increase variety, diversity and flexibility. As a result, you will have the chance to meet with many types of language users.
  • Natives sometimes teach you the spoken language way better than teachers who are only specialized in formal language.
  • Speaking with Natives will be subconsciously easier because it seems as non-traditional way. 
Why shall I pay for someone to practice a language, while I can get that for FREE?
  • Trainers in our platform will be obligated to do the practice session, since they are paid for that.
  • When practicing a language with someone, it will be hard for you to have a Large Community of language learners, which ConvoLan provides.
  • ConvoLan tries to provide an educational atmosphere mixed with joy and fun.
  • ConvoLan will have a program encouraging both of students and learners through monthly rewards and extra points for discounts. 
At what stage, I have to use ConvoLan?
  • We recommend to have a basic knowledge in the desired language, so you can form sentences and recognize common words in order to benefit from the service efficiently.
  • However, you can use ConvoLan at very early stages of the language, where you can tell your trainer to concentrate on the basics rather than just practicing the language. 
What does ConvoLan provide?
  • We provide the maximum flexibility in booking sessions, so you can book only (1) Session!
  • We insist to learn languages from their original sources, Natives are exposed to their language and know (how/when/why) to use such a phrase and know (how/when/why) Not to use it.
  • We also care about talented people who are ready to train people how to use their languages properly


Is it necessary to be certified teacher or trainer to work with ConvoLan?

No, we encourage everybody who has a talent in teaching and training people to join us, which will increase our flexibility and diversity in our service. 

What if ConvoLan don’t have enough students?
  • As a trainer, you can promote this service with your own ways in addition to the students which ConvoLan can reach
  • However, you can register as a salesman and a trainer simultaneously to get more earning.
Is it costly to be listed on Trainers list?

No, not at all, there are many plans to choose. However, each plan has its own share percentage and teachers will compensate their subscription within several speaking lessons/sessions.

Is it costly to be listed as a salesman in ConvoLan?

It will only cost you 9$ each month  

How can I be a salesman at ConvoLan?
  • You have to register your account.
  • You have to pay your monthly subscription, It will only cost you 9$ each month.
  • You will then have a “promo code” and a serial number.
  • Every time you want to promote ConvoLan services you have to tell people about your “Promo code “.
  • Every time your Promo code is entered our platform you will gain points.
  • You will receive a monthly payment depending on your balance. No minimum value required. 
Practice Your Language With Who Want To Learn It !
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